East Road, Northallerton
North Yorkshire, DL6 1SZ
01609 710443 or 07764 960034
PSHE and RSE (Relationships and Sex Education
PSHE and RSE (Relationships and Sex Education)
The Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) curriculum is designed to be accessible to all and to inspire happy, confident, independent young people as they prepare for adulthood. To help them develop positive values and a moral framework that will guide their decisions, judgements and behaviour; to have the confidence and self-esteem to value themselves and others and respect for individual conscience.
Since September 2020, teaching of Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and health education has become mandatory. We have a robust and wide-ranging curriculum, which we have developed for all school year groups.
The hope is, that with an all-embracing PSHE curriculum, which is aimed at our students’ needs, we will equip our young people with the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live healthily, safely, productively and responsibly.
PSHE lessons are done in a supportive, non-confrontational and safe setting with students setting their own ground rules at the start of each topic. Lessons are a mixture of discussion, both teacher and student led, reflective paper, power point and internet research.
We recognising that students arrive with a wide-ranging variety of behaviours, so the Social, Emotional & Mental Health needs of each individual student are considered and learning materials adapted and differentiated.
Relationships and Sex Education
Parents are no longer able to withdraw their child from any aspect of Relationships Education or Health Education.
Parents will be able to withdraw their child (following discussion with the school) from any or all aspects of Sex Education, other than those which are part of the science curriculum, up to and until three terms before the age of 16.
After that point, the guidance states that ‘if the child wishes to receive sex education rather than be withdrawn, the school should make arrangements to provide the child with sex education during one of those terms.’
Where pupils are withdrawn from sex education, we will ensure that the pupil receives appropriate, purposeful education during the period of withdrawal.